Course Introduction:
The course aims to provide an extensive and career-oriented course on National and International Patent Law. The course in terms of importance, versatility and practicality incorporates almost all important doctrines and concepts of Patent Law, including the conventions, conference and treaties of United Nation as well as the legislative and statutory framework of Copyright Law established by India, in most detailed and systematic manner for providing a crystal clear knowledge to the aspirants about Patent Law. The prime concern of the “LedX ” and educationalists is to offer a cutting-edge course on Patent law specially designed for legal and non-legal aspirants.
Course Objectives:
- To provide an extensive career-oriented course for achieving proficiency in International and Indian Patent Law.
- To discuss the most relevant and important provisions of international Conventions, Treaties and other instruments of Patent Law.
- To understand the shifting of International perspective toward Advanced Patent Law from the conventional approach of Patent Law.
- To discuss the bone of contention in the Patent Law regime.
- To discuss the impact of the virtual world upon Patent Law in India and worldwide.
Who shall attend this course:
The course shall be extremely useful for the students of B.A.LLB, B.B.ALL.B, LL.B, LL.M., aspirants of different competitive exams and professionals including practicing advocates.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this course the aspirant will be able:
- To achieve a fair and sound understanding of the concepts of the International and Indian Patent Law.
- To demonstrate good comprehension of International and Indian Patent Law in areas of aspirant’s interest or professional field.
- To apply basic research methods, data analysis, and interpretation in the field of Patent Law.
- To identify the bone of contentions of International and National Patent Law, evaluate problem-solving strategies, and develop science-based solutions.
- To evaluate, integrate, and apply provisions and doctrine of Patent Law to create a cohesive and persuasive argument, and to propose an effective design concept on Patent Laws.
Doubt Clearing Session :-
On Demand
Certification & Verification:
The successful learners will receive a subject expert signed Certificate with the branding of LedX to increase their job prospects.
Primary Takeaways:
Property Tangible & Intangible, Negative Right, Theories: Utilitarian, Labor, Personality, Social Welfare, Copyright, Patent, Designs, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Trade Secrets, Legal, Technical & Business Intelligence Process, Patents Filing, Patent Timeline, Patent Search, Patentable Invention, Industrial Application, Patents Act, 1970, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Patent Forms & Checklist, The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), Suits and Infringements of Patent law, Remedies and Penalties, Landmark Case Laws etc.
Other Suggested Course:
Copyright Law, Trademark Law
The assessment aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Therefore, it incorporates questions that transcend the information provided in the course. This methodology cultivates students’ aptitude for autonomous research, enabling them to exhibit expertise in the domain while accomplishing the assessment.
Validity Of Course :-
Courses are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.
Course Features
- Lectures 29
- Quizzes 4
- Duration 5 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 244
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Self
Unit-1: Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
- The General Introduction
- Nature and characteristics of Intellectual Property
- Jurisprudential Aspects of Intellectual property law
- Types of Intellectual property law
- Indian and International Statutes and Regulations of IP law
- Indian and International Regulatory bodies dealing with IP (I)
- Indian and International Regulatory bodies dealing with IP (II)
- Technology Connection of Intellectual technology
- Patent Law- Unit 1
Unit-2: The Understanding of Patent Law
- Introduction and Meaning of Patent Law
- The Objective of patent law
- New Inventions in Patent Law
- Evolution of Indian Patent System (I)
- Evolution of Indian Patent System (II)
- Non-Patentable Inventions
- Grounds for Rejection of Patent Application (I)
- Grounds for Rejection of Patent Application (II)
- Case laws and Examples of Grant of patent
- Patent Law and Grant of Patent (I)
- Patent Law and Grant of Patent (II)
- Patent Law- Unit 2
Unit-3: Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Unit-4: Paris Convention and Provisions of Patent Law
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1 Comment
Is there any type of exam at the end of the courses?