Course Introduction:-
The course aims to provide an extensive and career-oriented course on Criminal Law (Indian Penal Code-1860). The course in terms of importance, versatility and practicality incorporates almost all-important doctrines and concepts of the Criminal Law, including Actus Reus, Means Rea, bona fide and mala fide intention, Actus Non-Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea etc. The course offers the crux of the subject in the most detailed and systematic manner for providing a crystal-clear knowledge to the aspirants about the Indian Penal Code-1870. The course also explains the principles of criminality and crime against women. The prime concern of the “LedX” and educationalists is to offer a cutting-edge course on Indian Penal Code, specially designed for legal and non-legal aspirants.
Course Objectives:-
● To provide an extensive career-oriented course for achieving proficiency in Indian Penal Code-1860.
● To understand the fundamental doctrines and principles of criminal jurisprudence such as mens rea and actus reus.
● To critically examine the bone of contention in Indian Penal Code.
● To understand the core area of the I.P.C. i.e., Crime against human body, property and elements of crime.
● To highlight the burning issues like adultery, juvenile delinquency, unnatural offences, etc.
Who should attend this course:-
This career-oriented course shall be extremely useful for the aspirants of competitive exams like judicial services, CLAT, NET, students of B.A.,LL.B, B.B.A,LL.B, LL.B, LL.M, and professionals working in the administration of justice
including the practicing advocates.
Learning Outcomes:-
- To achieve a fair and sound understanding of the conceptsof the Indian Penal Code-1860.
- To demonstrate good comprehension of IPC in theareas of aspirant’s interest or professional field
- To apply basic research methods, and interpretation in the field of IPC-1860
- To identify the bone of contention of IPC-1860 evaluate problem-solving strategies, and develop science-based solutions.
- To evaluate, integrate, and apply provisions and doctrine of criminality to create a cohesive and persuasive argument, and to propose an effective design concept on IPC-1860.
Doubt Clearing Session:-
On demand
Certification & Verification:-
The successful learners will receive a subject expert signed Certificate with the branding of LedX to increase their job prospects.
Primary Takeaways:-
Means Rea, Actus Reus, General Exceptions, Theories of Punishment, Mistake of Fact vs. Mistake of Law, Juvenile and act of Child, Burden of Proof, Suicide, Category of Offences like: Offence Against Human Body, Property and Special
Offences Against Women etc.
Other Suggested Course:-
Criminology, Offence Against Child
The assessment aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Therefore, it incorporates questions that transcend the information provided in the course. This methodology cultivates students’ aptitude for autonomous research, enabling them to exhibit expertise in the domain while accomplishing the assessment.
Validity Of Course :-
Courses are valid for 6 Months from the date of purchase.
Course Features
- Lectures 26
- Quizzes 6
- Duration 4 Hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 283
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Self
Unit-1: Introduction of Crime
Unit-2: Group Liability
Unit-3: Offences Affecting the Human Body
Unit-4: Offence Against Women
Unit-5: Offence against Property & Documents
Unit-6: Offences Relating to Marriage